Fill out the top with each part of speech. Once your list is complete, plug your words into the letter below (or have a friend do it!) Read once it is all filled in and laugh
Fill in the blanks
noun _____________________
place ___________________
noun _______________________
number __________________
adjective ____________________
verb ____________________
verb ____________________
name ____________________
name ____________________
name ____________________
verb ____________________
verb ____________________
verb ____________________
adjective ____________________
noun ____________________
adjective ____________________
adjective: describes something (Green, Squishy, Cute)
adverb: describs an action (Quickly, Carefully, Silently)
noun: person place or thing (Car, House, Child.)
plural noun: people places or things (Cars, Houses, Children.)
verb: An action (Run, Jump, Swim)
exclamation: (Wow!, Oh!, Yuck!)
number: (5, 223, 16.5)
color: (Red, Green, Blue)
name: (Bill, Fred, Lisa)
___________ (noun) is going to Camp ______________ (place) this month!
_________________ (noun) is only going to be in camp for ___________(number) weeks, and is going to do a lot of ________________(adjective) things.
We can’t wait to ___________________(verb) in Lake Balfour, ________________________ (verb) in the dining room, and see ________________(name), ________________(name), and _____________ (name).
I’m excited to __________________(verb) my counselors, and _______________(verb) my bed.
Maybe I can even get a _____________________(verb) in the golf cart.
The first day of camp is going to be ________________________(adjective).
I hope I don’t forget to pack my ______________________(noun).
2018 is going to be the _____________(adjective) summer yet.